Kari Lemor

Romance Author

Lost Dreams
Storms of New England book 5
All of the Storms of New England books are stand alones and may be read in any order
Themes: Widower, divorce, single dad, single mom, past trauma, trust issues

Once bitten, twice shy…
For the past decade, fire captain, Greg Storm, has wanted no part of another relationship all thanks to a faithless wife who handed over their infant son and fled. He and his son have done just fine by themselves.
Teacher Alandra Cabrera and abandonment go together all too well. She and her daughter were left in the cold by a controlling husband who really only wanted a personal servant and perfect wife. Once a mother, she fit neither of those roles. His dismissal shattered her already limited self-esteem.
With Greg’s son in Ali’s class, the two get to know each other better beyond school and town committees. They both have extreme trust issues and taking that first step toward something more requires courage. Especially with the trauma and rejection left in the wake of their past. Unless they find their way beyond the barriers, a future together seems out of reach...
Heat level/warnings: some foul language, sensual scenes (not graphic) sexual chemistry
**Read the first chapters on many of these sites**
“Kari Lemor brings real feelings of insecurities and hang ups to life in this poignant story of two people that have been burned in life and love."
She slid into the conference room just as Reggie Thorpe, the principal, started passing out agendas. A quick scan showed her the only seat vacant was…oh. Madre de Dios. Right next to Greg Storm, Captain of the Squamscott Falls Fire Department.
It wasn’t that she didn’t like Captain Storm. Quite the opposite. The man was gorgeous and incredibly nice, but he turned her into a giddy schoolgirl. No one had inspired that sort of reaction in a long time. Way before Jeff had screwed her over and deserted her and Jillian.
Ali threw Captain Storm a pleasant smile and took the handout he passed her. Keep your eyes on the paper. Play it cool. Pay attention to the meeting, and don’t stare at the handsome fireman.