Kari Lemor

Romance Author

This page will be updated as new books are written.

Storms of New England
1. Elusive Dreams (Erik & Tessa) 2. True Dreams (Sara & TJ)
3. Stolen Dreams (Alex & Gina) 4. Broken Dreams (Nathaniel & Darcy)
5. Lost Dreams (Greg & Alandra) 6. Faded Dreams (Luke & Ellie)
7. Deadly Dreams (Sofia & John) 8. Childhood Dreams (Leah & Mitch)
9. Chance Dreams (Kevin and Macy) 10. Summer Dreams (Amy & Connor)
Christmas novellas
Forgotten Dreams (Kristan and Mark)
Sweet Dreams (Kelsey and Zachary)
Frozen Dreams (Ashley and Logan)
**DON'T scroll down if you don't want spoilers!
Year One
May - Sara moves to Cape Cod
June- Sara moves in with TJ
July- Erik comes home
Erik moves to Maine
Matty and Kiki arrive
Aug - Erik and Tessa get married
Sara goes on tour
Nov - Mrs. Mazelli dies -Gina inherits house
Dec - Tessa meets her dad
TJ and Sara engaged
Tanner arrives on Nathaniel’s doorstep
Year Two
Jan - Tessa accident
Mar - Gina arrives
May - Sara and TJ wedding
Nathaniel meets Darcy
Gina’s house on fire
June- Alex and Gina get engaged
Nathaniel and Tanner go to Cape
Aug - Joseph Peter Storm born (Erik and Tessa)
Nov - Darcy tells Hope
Darcy and Nate get engaged
Dec - Kristan and Mark get back together -Forgotten Dreams
Year Three
Feb - Nathaniel and Darcy wedding
Mar - Greg and Ali’s story starts
June- Greg and Ali start dating
July- Alex and Gina wedding
Aug- Luke meets Ellie at her cousin’s wedding
Pete Storm heart attack
Luke deployed
Oct - Faith Anne Storm born (Nathaniel and Darcy)
Ali’s house is torched
Nov - Greg and Ali engaged
Dec - Greg and Ali married
Dec - Kelsey and Zachary reunite -Sweet Dreams
Kristan and Mark get married
Year Four
Feb - Luke returns -finds Ellie pregnant
Luke buys Gina’s house
March- Luke and Ellie wedding
May - Dawn Marie Storm born (Luke and Ellie)
June- Mary Sonata Bannister born (Sara and TJ)
July - Sofie moves her business into John's office building
Oct - Antonia Nika and Alexander Peter Storm Jr.(AJ) born (Alex and Gina)
Nov - hockey fundraiser planned for Dream Team
Dec - Kelsey and Zachary married
Sofie and John get engaged - John is reunited with his family
Logan and Ashley make peace with each other
Holly Gail Storm born (Erik and Tessa)
Hockey Dream Team fundraiser
more to come...